Year 6
Week beginning: Monday 23rd April 2018
This week, we have been learning to:
- Calculate fractions and percentages of amounts
- Solving time problems
- Solving money problems
- Using a range of strategies for reading comprehensions
- Label a flower and research the different parts of the flower
- Write in the past tense in Welsh
Homework: Maths / reading paper questions
Year 6
Week beginning: Monday 16th March 2018
This week, we have been:
- Converting units of measure e.g. cm into m, g into kg
- Solving numeracy problems
- Inferencing a text
- Discussing ideas and supporting them with reasons
- Drawing a bar graph to represent data
- Researching and collecting facts about woodland animals
Practising swimming skills at Pentrehafod
Homework: past paper questions (maths)
Year 6
Week beginning: Monday 29th January 2018
This week, we have been:
- Learning to write complex sentences
- Using colons and semi colons within a sentence
- Writing active and passive sentences
- Organising an explanation text
- Calculating ratio
- Solving ratio and proportion problems
- Exploring reversible and irreversible changes
- Interpreting graphs by finding patterns and trends
- Designing logos with Mrs Sears-Neale
- Reading a third person profile in Welsh
- Using our inference skills to deduct feelings and emotions during guided reading sessions
P.E has been changed to a Thursday. Please ensure your child wears suitable outdoor clothing (tshirt, leggings/joggers and trainers).
Homework: Punctuation worksheet
Year 6
Week beginning: Monday 15th January 2018
This week, we have been:
- Developing inference skills
- Developing sentence using adventurous vocabulary, sentence starters and similes/metaphors.
- Solving addition and subtraction problems
- Using simple formulae
- Exploring different potions
- Reading texts about strange medieval medical practices
- Designing logos with Mrs Sears-Neale
- Writing a past tense text in Welsh
- Discussing factual texts during guided reading sessions
P.E has been changed to a Thursday. Please ensure your child wears suitable outdoor clothing (tshirt, leggings/joggers and trainers).
Y5&6 will be visiting Techniquest on Friday 26th January. Please ensure your child has given in their consent form.